Intimacy Machine
an allo-poetic machine that aims to build a refuge for encountering bees on a more egalitarian basis and to challenge the forthcoming of smart hives into the world of beekeeping
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Symmetry breaking in a thermal gradient
Martina Szopek, Thomas Schmickl, Ronald Thenius, Gerald Radspieler, Karl Crailsheim
Machine Video
Antennae movement and PER
Randolf Menzel
Machine Video
Stills of a bumblebee learning how to roll a ball
Olli J. Loukola, Clint J. Perry, Louie Coscos, Lars Chittka
Machine Images
Radar Tracking of Multi-destination Routes of Bumblebees
Joseph L. Woodgate, James C. Makinson, Ka S. Lim, Andrew M. Reynolds & Lars Chittka
Machine Video
Reception and learning of electric fields in bees
Uwe Greggers, Gesche Koch, Viola Schmidt, Aron Dürr, Amalia Floriou- Servou, David Piepenbrock, Martin Göpfert, Randolf Menzel
Machine Audio
Automatic detection and decoding of honeybee waggle dances: Examples of Correct and False Detections
Fernando Wario, Benjamin Wild, Raúl Rojas, Tim Landgraf
Machine Video
Honeybee flies on copter
Randolf Menzel, Benjamin Paffhausen, Martin Nawrot, Tim Landgraf, Benjamin Wild, Julian Petrasch, Johannes Polster, Jurek Müller
Machine Video
Honeybee waggle and tremble noise
Calvin Lam, Yanlei Li, Tim Landgraf, James Nieh
Machine Audio
Side-Specificity of Olfactory Learning in the Honeybee
Jean-Christophe Sandoz, Randolf Menzel
Machine Video
Honeybee dance with trajectory overlay
Tim Landgraf, Raúl Rojas, Hai Nguyen, Fabian Kriegel, Katja Stettin
Machine Video
A bee with a radar tag
Joseph L. Woodgate, James C. Makinson, Ka S. Lim, Andrew M. Reynolds, Lars Chittka
Machine Images
Flight simulation
Tim Landgraf
Machine Video
String pulling bumblebee
Sylvain Alem, Clint J. Perry, Xingfu Zhu, Olli J. Loukola, Thomas Ingraham, Eirik Søvik, Lars Chittka
Machine Video
A computer vision system to monitor the infestation level of Varroa destructor in a honeybee colony
Kim Bjerge, Carsten Eie Frigaard, Peter Høgh Mikkelsen, Thomas Holm Nielsen, Michael Misbih, Per Kryger
Machine Video
A bumblebee learning how to roll a ball
Olli J. Loukola, Clint J. Perry, Louie Coscos, Lars Chittka
Machine Video
MRM of a honeybee’s cranium
Daniel Haddad, Randolf Menzel
Machine Video
Tracking all bees in the hive
Franziska Boenisch, Benjamin Rosemann, Benjamin Wild, David Dormagen, Fernando Wario, Tim Landgraf
Machine Video
Visualising neurons in a honeybee’s brain
Randolf Menzel, Jürgen Rybak
Machine Video
Dancing RoboBee
Tim Landgraf, Raúl Rojas, Andreas Kirbach, Randolf Menzel
Machine Video
3D model of a honeybee’s brain
Randolf Menzel, Jürgen Rybak
Machine Video
Olfaction training with a bee
Jean-Christophe Sandoz, Randolf Menzel
Machine Video
Confocal microscopy of bee brains
Torsten Rohlfing, Frank Schaupp, Daniel Haddad, Robert Brandt, Axel Haase, Randolf Menzel, Calvin R. Maurer Jr.
Machine Video
Single Kenyon cell
Paul Szyszka, Alexander Galkin, Randolf Menzel
Machine Video
Temperature inside a beehive
Rob Mills, Rafael Barmak, Martin Stefanec, Stefan Schönwetter-Fuchs-Schistek, Matthieu Broisin, Thomas Schmickl, Francesco Mondada
Machine Graph
Relative humidity inside a beehive
Rob Mills, Rafael Barmak, Martin Stefanec, Stefan Schönwetter-Fuchs-Schistek, Matthieu Broisin, Thomas Schmickl, Francesco Mondada
Machine Graph
Thoracic vibrations in stingless bees
Michael Hrncir, Anne-Isabelle Gravel, Dirk Louis P. Schorkopf, Veronika M. Schmidt, Ronaldo Zucchi and Friedrich G. Barth
Machine Video
Audio of thoracic vibrations in stingless bees
Michael Hrncir, Anne-Isabelle Gravel, Dirk Louis P. Schorkopf, Veronika M. Schmidt, Ronaldo Zucchi and Friedrich G. Barth
Machine Audio
CO2 levels inside a beehive
Rob Mills, Rafael Barmak, Martin Stefanec, Stefan Schönwetter-Fuchs-Schistek, Matthieu Broisin, Thomas Schmickl, Francesco Mondada
Machine Graph
Honey Bee Hygiene: Cannibalism
Paul Siefert, Nastasya Buling, Bernd Grünewald
Machine Video
Simulation versus reality: Honeybee aggregation
Gerald Radspieler, Ronald Thenius, Thomas Schmickl
Machine Video
Honey Bee Nutrition: Pollen Unloading, Packing & Moisturisation
Paul Siefert, Nastasya Buling, Bernd Grünewald
Machine Video
Random bee walker
Martina Szopek, Thomas Schmickl, Ronald Thenius, Gerald Radspieler, Karl Crailsheim
Machine Video
Steps of a single bee moving across a plastic floor
Stefan Schönwetter-Fuchs-Schistek, Gerald Radspieler, Thomas Schmickl
Machine Audio
An audio recording of the sound created by the steps of a single bee moving across a plastic floor.
Honey Bee Worker Development: Oviposition
Paul Siefert, Nastasya Buling, Bernd Grünewald
Machine Video
Honey Bee Nutrition: Nectar Storage & Uptake
Paul Siefert, Nastasya Buling, Bernd Grünewald
Machine Video
Entrance monitoring system
Amy C. Geffre, Tim Gernat, Gyan P. Harwood, Beryl M. Jones, Deisy Morselli Gysi, Adam R. Hamilton, Bryony C. Bonning, Amy L. Toth, Gene E. Robinson, Adam G. Dolezal
Machine Images
Different layers of a machine vision system for automated monitoring of interaction between honeybees
Tim Gernata, Vikyath D. Raoa, Martin Middendorfb, Harry Dankowiczd, Nigel Goldenfelda, Gene E. Robinson
Machine Images
Automated monitoring of honeybees with barcodes and convolutional neural networks
Tim Gernat, Tobias Jagla, Beryl M. Jones, Martin Middendorf, Gene E. Robinson
Machine Images
The Intimacy Machine: an essay
© 2020–now. All rights reserved.
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Studio Harris Blondman
1183. Symmetry breaking in a thermal gradient
1050. Antennae movement and PER
1053. Stills of a bumblebee learning how to roll a ball
1055. Radar Tracking of Multi-destination Routes of Bumblebees
1056. Reception and learning of electric fields in bees
1057. Automatic detection and decoding of honeybee waggle dances: Examples of Correct and False Detections
1058. Honeybee flies on copter
1059. Honeybee waggle and tremble noise
1051. Side-Specificity of Olfactory Learning in the Honeybee
1061. Honeybee dance with trajectory overlay
1063. A bee with a radar tag
1066. Flight simulation
1067. String pulling bumblebee
1068. A computer vision system to monitor the infestation level of Varroa destructor in a honeybee colony
1070. A bumblebee learning how to roll a ball
1071. MRM of a honeybee’s cranium
1073. Tracking all bees in the hive
1074. Visualising neurons in a honeybee’s brain
1075. Dancing RoboBee
1076. 3D model of a honeybee’s brain
1077. Olfaction training with a bee
1078. Confocal microscopy of bee brains
1079. Single Kenyon cell
1344. Temperature inside a beehive
1360. Relative humidity inside a beehive
1144. Thoracic vibrations in stingless bees
1150. Audio of thoracic vibrations in stingless bees
1499. CO2 levels inside a beehive
1560. Honey Bee Hygiene: Cannibalism
1168. Simulation versus reality: Honeybee aggregation
1565. Honey Bee Nutrition: Pollen Unloading, Packing & Moisturisation
1174. Random bee walker
1198. Steps of a single bee moving across a plastic floor
1570. Honey Bee Worker Development: Oviposition
1575. Honey Bee Nutrition: Nectar Storage & Uptake
1253. Entrance monitoring system
1259. Different layers of a machine vision system for automated monitoring of interaction between honeybees
1234. Automated monitoring of honeybees with barcodes and convolutional neural networks